Danganronpa 2 PSP English port has been discontinued

I am deeply saddened to announce that the project has been discontinued. I simply don’t have enough time to work on it and make updates or manage the website.

This domain may or may not host my future blog / website / something else

In case you want to reach me, you can do so by [email protected]

I may restart the project if I have more spare time, but I can’t say anything for sure.

14 thoughts on “Danganronpa 2 PSP English port has been discontinued”

  1. Sad news but to be fair this project was massive for you to do it alone. Thank you for your time spent working on it though, I appreciate the effort.

    1. It’s indeed very sad to hear that… But anyway, you did a pretty good job this far and dedicated a lot of your time for this project so thank you for your work! I hope someone else will take on from now, and I wish you the best for the future, hm7 !

  2. You probably should’ve gotten a few other guys from some place like GBATemp or wololo to help you out. But, looks like you’ve made your decision. Ah well, I hope it was a good learning experience for you.

  3. please continue with the project, you do not know how much I hope to play this wonderful game on my phone, but if I do not understand and want you to know that you have done a great job so far …

  4. Hey how about u try to create Discord and we can try to Help u out whats Causing some of problem so we can Help u Just my suggestion. But If u really want to abandon the project (which is suck) Thank u for trying to port The danganronpa 2 for ppsspp since its very impressive that u only working alone and managed to port Danganronpa 2 into psp even with bug Thank u I hope ur doing great in ur life!

  5. Yes please! Theres are tons of good programmers out there like from GBATemp or wololo to help you out in your project as long as theyre dedicated and has passion to complete the port.
    Welp in the end the decision is up to you, but as long as youre did not completely abandoned your project yet, theres still a brink of hope.

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