Menu is now translated

Thanks to a contributor menu items are now translated as well as O and X buttons are inverted, there are some issues with Student ID and class trials are not playable just yet, but I’m looking for a solution. Stay tuned!

NOTE: release pulled down by a request of the contributor

14 thoughts on “Menu is now translated”

  1. Yeess finally! Thank you so much guys! I’m really looking forward to the next release and hoping you find a solution to fix the class trials 😀

    1. “there are some issues with Student ID and class trials are not playable just yet, but I’m looking for a solution. Stay tuned!”

      Did you even read the text at the top? The menus were translated. That’s it. There were no bug fixes in this release, class trial related or otherwise.

  2. hey, this is amazing! i’ve always wanted to play this game portable, and i don’t have a psvita, so when i saw this i was so happy.
    keep up the great work and don’t lose hope!
    (also sorry for my english, i talk spanish)

  3. This is really good! honestly, you guys have done so much work in so little time it’s genuinely impressive. I cannot wait to play this on my PSP. I don’t know why but it just feels like the perfect console for visual novels like these

  4. Great job!!
    I’m still waiting for the grande moment, I can’t wait 😀
    As for the contributor, is he going to keep helping you? Maybe like this, the progress may be a tad bit faster!
    I appreciate you for not giving up, since you are working on this alone, never give up, we’ll keep supporting you no matter what. <3

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