August – September release

Here is the new release as stated in previous post. Took quite a while to build, the build server would really benefit a hardware upgrade.

This release has some missing translations added as well as quite a few bug fixed, class trials do occasionally work for me on my PSP (at least the first one), but sometimes they are buggy, I am currently investigating this issue and hope that in October – November release it will be fixed, finally.

You can download August – September release here

39 thoughts on “August – September release”

  1. Awesome, can’t wait to try it. Noob question: are save states compatible between different builds?

  2. Thanks! I only had the time to go through half of the prologue, and so far everything was working better than the last version (less lagging, crosshair and layout no longer white squares…). The ”dialogue” parts are really good, but unfortunately the Hotel part where you walk is EXTREMELY laggy in comparison to the rest (but i guess it can’t be helped). Also, the chat log is glitchy and only shows small portions of text. I’m gonna play some more and try to give constructive feedback. Thank you SO much for doing this for us!!
    PS: on a side note, is it (humanly) possible to translate the other texts? I mean, the menu, school rules, report cards, pop-ups, etc…

  3. Awesome! When i get the time to, i will surely check this out. Before i get into the game tho, i have a question: Is everything in class trials translated such as truth bullets other than character text?

  4. I reached the first class trial and indeed, it is buggy :/ The first Nonstop Debate is unplayable because it stops right after “why was Byakuya’s body…” so nothing can be done, sadly

  5. Some things I found out from playing a little of this release (I am playing on a real PSP with 6.60 PRO-C2 cfw):

    – Entering the Restaurant from the outside stairs in the Hotel crashes the game for me. No problem entering it from within the Lobby;
    – When you enter your Cottage Room, Hajime is spelled Hazime on the screen text;
    – Aiming with the crosshair is a bit tricky when there’s multiple targets at the same time (not that big of a problem though, just a minor annoyance);
    – Dialogue log is broken;
    – Bold yellow words look weird sometimes, probably some font spacing issue I presume.

    Haven’t reached the first Class Trial yet, let’s see how that goes. But the dialogues translation is there and it has been playable so far, so good job, it’s great to finally been able to play this (it even loaded my DR1 save when I started it).

  6. You should probably collect info on what people are testing your releases on. What is laggy on a PSP 1000 may not be laggy on a 2000, 3000, or Go. PPSSPP is also a different beast entirely, since a PSP can run fine on it and not on real hardware or vice versa.

  7. >The first Nonstop Debate is unplayable because it stops right after “why was Byakuya’s body…” so nothing can be done, sadly

    Can confirm (on PSP 1000 with 6.60 PRO-C2 cfw).

    Btw hm7, are you working on this alone?

  8. So I’ve been testing this on my psp and whenever I open the e-handbooks’s virtual pet the game crashes.

  9. amigo los class trials siguen sin funcionar correctamente, juego en ppsspp, cuando inicia un debate solo me carga la municion y luego termina, me pasa igual en todo los demas capitulos del 1 al 6, se que todavia no esta corregido el problema pero queria contarles mi pequeña experiencia, no he escrito en ingles porque me da pereza ademas yo soy de habla hispana pero de todas formas se bastante ingles, saludos y suerte con la traduccion

    friend class trials are still not working properly, I play in ppsspp, when it starts a debate it only loads the ammunition and then ends, it happens the same in all the other chapters from 1 to 6, I know that the problem is still not corrected but I wanted to tell you My little experience, I have not written in English because I am too lazy I am Spanish speaking but I am still quite English, greetings and good luck with the translation

  10. Man, for real… thank you for the great job you’re doing here. I’m supporting and cheering for you.

    Can someone please send me a save file with the first class trial completed? It would be amazing if someone could do it for me!

  11. Dude, you are my new Hope, I give you all my support on this project, pls don’t lose HOPE, this translation will have a brilliant future.

    My bad english, tought.

  12. as someone who completed this on the PS4,i never expected that the PSP version would be done! great job man! are you a translator? or are you porting the existing translation to the PSP version?

    also,would you be interested in joining a fan translation group?

      1. I see. well,do you have japanese knowledge? or are you primarily a coder?

        as for the group,it was formed for the translation of a specific very underrated VN,but we do have a side project as well. you can mail me on the email i included in this post if you are interested/would like more information 🙂

  13. So I’ve almost gotten to the first class trial. So far, the errors I’ve seen are some typos in dialogue options, letters being smashed together, and at least one instance of a sentence running off the screen. I’m assuming the latter two problems are the result of the 28 character count limit.

    I’m testing this on a PSP 3000 with 6.61 PRO-C Infinity CFW.

    1. Well, to no one’s surprise, after getting to the first class trial I can’t progress. Ah well, it was a fun ride up to that point! Good luck with the next update.

  14. Hey!
    Thanks for all you work as it makes me really happy I’ll be able to once play it on my PSP!
    Do you estimate that the October-November release will be 100% playable or just the class trials will be fixed?

  15. It seems that I’m kinda too late for this, seems a lot of people has already tested it, I kinda forgot to check it here, but I’ll be testing this version later, if I find anything new I’ll tell you anyway.

  16. Really!! There is someone continueng this project that abondoned long time ago 🙀

    Wow this guy is a true legend among legends

    Guys we need to support this person!! Until our last breath

  17. Knowing that someone is working hard to translate this game on PSP filled me with hope and joy.
    Even if it’s not fully playable for now, I know it’ll be.
    Thanks for your amazing work, you can be proud of it !

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